so, i make art. i sometimes print art.
i also do not like capital letters, or Capital(ism)(tm)
registered trademarks, aside,
i do like food on my table and water in my garden,
a place to have a garden,
and all that follows
and it follows,
what follows, is that art, for sale.
these are a single print run from a single show.
all prints came from
terms and terminologies are in their faq
thanks for looking.
email j a k e ( a t ) j a k e S t e p h e n s (d o t ) n e t
HD | HD Aluminum Print | |
DP | Giclee print | |
LJG | LightJet Glossy | |
LJM | LightJet Matte | |
ILJG | Ilford LightJet Glossy | |
ILJM | Ilford LightJet Matte |
1 in the underground 29.5 x 49 NFS HD 2 underTranslucent 15 x 20 $105 DP 3 cup of 16 x 9 $60 DP 4 incandescent 23 x 30 $315 LJG 5 in the blue 12 x 16 $90 LJM 6 incandifference 12 x 16 $90 LJM 7 a lovely view 32 x 16 $240 LJM 8 a stacked view 16 x 32 $240 LJM 9 a lovely planet 15 x 15 $120 LJG SOLD SOLD SOLD 13 filament 02 24 x 13.5 $180 LJM 14 dynamics03 32 x 18 $225 LJM SOLD 16 bottle of sunset 32 x 16 $240 LJM 17 bottle of sunset planet 24 x 13.5 $165 LJM 18 bottle of sunrise 24 x 13.5 $165 LJM 19 bottle of sunrise planet 20 x 20 $180 LJG 20 outside the bottle 24 x 12 $150 LJM 21 innerSpaces 30 x 15 $210 LJM SOLD 23 innerWalls 24 x 13.5 $165 LJG 24 innerLight 32 x 16 $255 LJG 25 a broekn blue light 25 x 25 $240 LJG 26 innerLight innerFire 25 x 25 $225 LJM 27 innerPlanetaryLight 25 x 25 $225 LJM 28 canopic 32 x 18 $225 LJM 29 innerLight innerLove 28 x 15 $195 LJM 30 innerLight outLight 29 x 16 $195 LJM 31 bottleGrass 24 x 18 $189 LJM 32 bottle of light 24 x 18 $189 LJM SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD 37 womanKing 05, innerTurmoil 24 x 18 $210 LJM 41 equirectangle freaks 4 x 8 $45 ILJM 42 medicine planet 6 x 8 $39 LJM