it was a pretty good weekend. got some overtime. found out i’d maybe be doing some computational fluid dynamics at work. did some dogsitting in the air conditioning. Drank too much gin. Had a crying jag. But wait, that was subsequent to finding out that my Boss DR-770, one half of my percussion section in my MIDI setup, was displaying a “Low Battery” message and would not play.
As a PC tech from way back, I figured, given the vintage, it was likely a CR-2032. A quick internet search verified this, so I picked one up and it was time to go inside the device.

It was a pretty quick operation, only five screws held the back on. I hated the smell inside of the device; it smelled like it was burnt. I knew I was okay, but still, it’s always good to be careful when working on any device.

I carefully slid out the mainboard and there she sat, my friend the little CR-2032.

Popped in a new one, thanked my lucky stars that I don’t save any User patterns on my DR-770, since that dead battery would have meant they were lost, then put things back together.
Did a little happy dance and played some songs in the heat to celebrate.